Empreinte Ecologique Ouverte

Base de connaissance collaborative autour des méthodes de calcul de l'Empreinte écologique

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  • Articles récents
  • Newsletter WWF
  • Grenelle et IFEN 2008

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Stockholm Environment Institute

The Stockholm Environment Institute at York (SEI-Y) was established in 1989 as one of the constituent centres of the Stockholm Environment Institute, an independent, international research organisation committed to the implementation of practices supportive of global sustainable development.SEI conducts a comprehensive research, consulting and training programme which focuses on the links between the ecological, social and economic systems at global, regional and national and local levels.

The Sustainable Consumption Group at York consists of a team of six researchers from a variety of disciplines applying a multi-disciplinary approach in understanding the environmental burden of consumption and devising strategies to reduce it. The research on Sustainable consumption focuses on formulating equitable strategies that foster the highest quality of life, the efficient use of natural resources, and the effective satisfaction of human needs while simultaneously promoting equitable social development, economic competitiveness, and technological innovation.
The Sustainable Consumption Group has become established as a leading expert on the subject of Sustainable Consumption within Europe and especially the UK. Working closely with the European Environment Agency as well national, regional and local governments has ensured that the research is applied, relevant and timely.

SEI has developed the first consistent method to calculate comparable Ecological Footprints for every Local Authority in the UK. Local Authorities can apply the Ecological Footprint in the following ways:

  • Linking with current Quality of Life indicators
  • Scenario and Policy Assessment
  • Education and Communication
  • Impact of lifestyles / socio-economic groups analysis
  • Time Series and Target Monitoring

The current studies apply input-output analysis and use household expenditure data to achieve:

  • An inclusion of all direct and indirect impacts
  • A ready to use model that has academic credibility
  • Consistency with the UK annual Ecological Footprint figure from the Global Footprint Network
  • Comparable set of EF results


Dr John Barrett
Stockholm Environment Institute
Dept of Biology, Box 373
University of York
YO10 5YW
Telephone : +44 (0)1904 434744

Email : jrb8@york.ac.uk
Web site : http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/sei/welcome.html

Collaborateurs de cette page: thanh et Johan .
Page modifiée dernièrement le Dimanche 02 Mars, 2008 [09:18:58 UTC] par thanh.

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