Empreinte Ecologique OuverteBase de connaissance collaborative autour des méthodes de calcul de l'Empreinte écologique
Hypotheses EcolifeWho
Ecolife and WWF
Calculateur grand public1- Food = GFN numbers2- Housing = surface x embedded energy for building materials/m2 (dutch study 2001) + energy use 3- Transport = source embodied energy for train (Belgian study NMBS for trains), cars (National Institute of Statistics for cars) "uplift factor" : includes infrastructure and embodied energy of vehicle = trains and planes +10%, cars and trucks and buses + 50% uplift for producing the carburant. For all transports on road : uplift for producing petrol raffinage (9 to 13%). For kerozene : uplift is at least as high as cars (13%) fuel consumption : CO2 Uplift factor : building the car is 15%, 35% is public infrastructure. Government consumes 15% of total energy in a country, of which 50% goes to infrastructure (hence embodied energy), the other 50% goes to fixed assets. 50% is arbitrary but consistent with GFN and RP. Very arbitrary, symbolic to indicate responsibility between consumer and state 4- Waste : instead of calculating EF of goods and services, we take waste. Paper : embodied energy and woodland. If completely wasted gets full EF debit. If recycled give 55 % of embedded energy ; for forest land 20% EF only as can be recycled 5 times. Add encre, printing, etc Metal : embodied energy. Aluminium an other metals. Give reduction when selectively collected (give only 5% if recycled aluminium) Glass : embodied energy (70% if recycled) Plastics : embodied energy (30% if selectively collected) assuming the rest is burnt (CO2 = gasoil used) 5- Vacation Transport same as above + lodging (355 in summer, 500 in winter MJ/a person a day in a hotel, dutch study) Airplanes : as part of leisure time. Average 7840 kg kerozen for 250 km take off and landing, full 80%, 370 seats. For the other km : 10.1 kg kerozen/km This tool covers 58% of total Belgium EF. The rest is government and education. Industrial goods transports is not included, nor public services, nor industrial waste
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