Empreinte Ecologique Ouverte

Base de connaissance collaborative autour des méthodes de calcul de l'Empreinte écologique

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Au concret


  • Articles récents
  • Newsletter WWF
  • Grenelle et IFEN 2008

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Hypotheses Ecolife



  • Sabien et Annick WWF. Brussels : 3 communities, EF of gestion communale in Brussels, like in Flanders with Milieu Barometer. LPR : supplement in link with WWF France, EPO maybe. Swiss ? Holland ? October
  • Jan : worked with Robrecht. Ecolife is not in the expert committee anymore
  • Steven: growing demand from companies and institutions, combined with carbon. Are in "compense your CO2", in Belgium there is no ADEME tool. For different types of companies. Work for WWF France, Holland, Poland.
  • Thanh : How do we work together with GFN? Translation in French by WWF? Who will validate?

Ecolife and WWF

  • Belbio : organic milk? Need to modelize the farm
  • Chip (Saint-Etienne Cité Pass) : Durzaamheid initiative in Flanders and Leuven
  • Rotterdam : newpass, but was too expensive
  • Sustainable food : 10 families, 1 week 3 times/year + coaching the families between the weeks (in dutch). Ligue des familles
  • Exki: 7th march, Board presentation. Work on food, in link with Grenelle and Bio Com op => show low EF menu. Labels en Belgique : RDC environnement. Systemes Alimentaires Durables 11/12/07
  • Yuluka

Calculateur grand public

1- Food = GFN numbers
2- Housing = surface x embedded energy for building materials/m2 (dutch study 2001) + energy use
3- Transport = source embodied energy for train (Belgian study NMBS for trains), cars (National Institute of Statistics for cars)
"uplift factor" : includes infrastructure and embodied energy of vehicle = trains and planes +10%, cars and trucks and buses + 50%
uplift for producing the carburant. For all transports on road : uplift for producing petrol raffinage (9 to 13%). For kerozene : uplift is at least as high as cars (13%)
fuel consumption : CO2
Uplift factor : building the car is 15%, 35% is public infrastructure. Government consumes 15% of total energy in a country, of which 50% goes to infrastructure (hence embodied energy), the other 50% goes to fixed assets. 50% is arbitrary but consistent with GFN and RP. Very arbitrary, symbolic to indicate responsibility between consumer and state
4- Waste : instead of calculating EF of goods and services, we take waste.
Paper : embodied energy and woodland. If completely wasted gets full EF debit. If recycled give 55 % of embedded energy ; for forest land 20% EF only as can be recycled 5 times. Add encre, printing, etc
Metal : embodied energy. Aluminium an other metals. Give reduction when selectively collected (give only 5% if recycled aluminium)
Glass : embodied energy (70% if recycled)
Plastics : embodied energy (30% if selectively collected) assuming the rest is burnt (CO2 = gasoil used)
5- Vacation
Transport same as above + lodging (355 in summer, 500 in winter MJ/a person a day in a hotel, dutch study)
Airplanes : as part of leisure time. Average 7840 kg kerozen for 250 km take off and landing, full 80%, 370 seats. For the other km : 10.1 kg kerozen/km

This tool covers 58% of total Belgium EF. The rest is government and education. Industrial goods transports is not included, nor public services, nor industrial waste

Collaborateurs de cette page: thanh .
Page modifiée dernièrement le Dimanche 13 Avril, 2008 [10:55:24 UTC] par thanh.

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